Worship Brings Rain

This book explains what worship is not and how to check if we are offering God acceptable worship. What is the sin of Adam and Eve? I always thought that the sin of Adam and Eve was doing what God told them not to do, but it’s deeper than that. It is a sin of worship; therefore, the centre of our worship must be Christ-centred. This book also explains that worship is not what we do as routine. Isaiah 29:13 (Good News Translation) states, “These people claim to worship me, but their words are meaningless, and their hearts are somewhere else.

Totally Sold Out (To be released 10th June 2022)

The Ambassador

This book explains what worship is not and how to check if we are offering God acceptable worship. What is the sin of Adam and Eve? I always thought that the sin of Adam and Eve was doing what God told them not to do, but it’s deeper than that. It is a sin of worship; therefore, the centre of our worship must be Christ-centred. This book also explains that worship is not what we do as routine. Isaiah 29:13 (Good News Translation) states, “These people claim to worship me, but their words are meaningless, and their hearts are somewhere else.

Reader Reviews

What readers are saying about my books.

Can’t wait oo, I know it’s loaded coz I keep re-reading your last bookm Worship Brings Rain.

Fatima Kumba Sagba

Can’t wait oo, I know it’s loaded coz I keep re-reading your last bookm Worship Brings Rain.

Fatima Kumba Sagba

Now Available.

The Ambassador

Totally Sold Out

Samuel Dagunduro wrote “This book is a well-researched, concise topical study about what it means to be a soldier for Christ. Especially, in the world that we live in today, where such topics are no longer a feature on the pulpit or discussion points during our bible study sessions. It is simply rare to acquire, however relevant it is to the life of a disciple of Christ”

To be called an active-duty soldier you must be playing a direct role in the operational work, and you must serve in the military full time. This means, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and usually, the soldier will reside near or in a military base. The reality is that the kingdom controls everything a soldier does, and the life of a soldier revolves around the kingdom he or she is enlisted to defend hence you qualify for its benefits.


Love Conviction & Risk

This book is about a woman who started as an unbeliever and through the process of conversion, she rose to greatness because she has conviction.

Life is a risk and we need guidance from God’s word to take risks in life, missing the opportunity to take risks can result in a life of regret. It is risky to believe in God and to obey especially when there is no physical evidence.

One thing is sure, risk takers are always remembered in history, not because they did not get burnt or suffer in some way. It is because they have conviction and they stand up for what they believe and did not quit even when nobody sees what they see. Love gives birth to conviction and conviction forces you to take risks.

Love Conviction & Risk